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Knowledge Exchange Series

Listening through the Unheard:
A Reflection on 100 Years of U.S. Women’s Suffrage and its Connections with Asia

Listening through the Unheard:
A Reflection on 100 Years of U.S. Women’s Suffrage and its Connections with Asia

The Committee on Gender Equality and Diversity and the Gender Studies Programme at the University of Hong Kong are hosting an online panel discussion in conjunction with the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau’s exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in the United States. Signed into law on August 26, 1920, the passage of the 19th Amendment extended the right to vote to women across the U.S. The exhibits both highlight the work of several key individuals, as well as the struggle of countless others. The panel discussion aims to complement and question the contents of the exhibition from comparative, political, transnational and multicultural perspectives.


Professor Louise Edwards

Emeritus Professor of Chinese History, University of New South Wales (UNSW)

Professor Martha S. Jones

Society of Black Alumni Presidential Professor, Professor of History, and Professor at the SNF Agora Institute, The Johns Hopkins University

Panelist and Moderator

Dr. Brenda Rodriguez Alegre

Lecturer in the Gender Studies Programme, School of Humanities, The University of Hong Kong

Date:  Wednesday, August 18, 2021


10 am to 11 am (Hong Kong time)

12 noon to 1 pm (Sydney time)

10 pm to 11 pm on August 17, 2021 (Baltimore time)

Delivery:  via Zoom

Zoom recording available here

(Erratum: Professor Edwards has advised that the year mentioned at 29.59 of the video should be 1947, not 1937 as shown in the video transcript.)

Professor Louise Edwards is Emeritus Professor of Chinese History at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia. She publishes on women and gender in China and Asia. Her most recent books include Drawing Democratic Dreams in Republican China (2020), Women Warriors and Wartime Spies of China (2016), and Women Politics and Democracy: Women’s Suffrage in China (2008).

Professor Martha S. Jones is the Society of Black Alumni Presidential Professor, Professor of History, and a Professor at the SNF Agora Institute at The Johns Hopkins University. She is a legal and cultural historian whose work examines how black Americans have shaped the story of American democracy. Professor Jones is the author of Vanguard: How Black Women Broke Barriers, Won the Vote, and Insisted on Equality for All (2020), selected as one of Time's 100 must-read books for 2020.

Dr. Brenda Rodriguez Alegre is a Lecturer in the Gender Studies Programme, School of Humanities, The University of Hong Kong. She holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology and is a registered psychologist. Both her MA thesis and PhD dissertation were about transgender women. She is on the Board of Directors of the Society of Transsexual Women Advocates of the Philippines (STRAP), the country’s first and longest active support and advocacy group for and of transgender women.

The “100 Years of Women’s Suffrage in America” exhibition will be open to visitors in the HKU Main Library from July 27-August 28, 2021. For details, please visit:

The Faculty of Arts is one of the flagship faculties of the University of Hong Kong and one of the finest humanities faculties in the region and internationally. Established in November 2016, the Committee on Gender Equality and Diversity works with organizations both within and outside of the University to lead the way on gender and diversity. The Faculty's Gender Studies Programme was established in 2018. This event is held with the support of the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau, the University of Hong Kong Libraries, and the HKU American Studies Programme, School of Modern Languages and Cultures.

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