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CGED Knowledge Exchange Series

Spots of Light: Women in the Holocaust Exhibition

Spots of Light: Women in the Holocaust Exhibition

Opening Ceremony

Date: 13 February 2019 (Wed)

Time: 18:00

Venue: Centennial Campus Site A (Opposite the BEA), HKU


Dr. Roland Vogt, Assistant Professor, European Studies, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, HKU

Mrs. Ahuva Spieler, Consul-General of the State of Israel to Hong Kong and Macao

Dr. Elizabeth LaCouture, Assistant Professor, Programme Director of Gender Studies, School of Humanities, HKU

Miss Elianna Diestel, Student, Elsa High School

Miss Sarah Cohen, Student, Elsa High School


Period: 13 to 26 February 2019

Venue: Chi Wah Learning Commons Foyer, HKU

The Holocaust was a watershed event in human history: an act of murder and violence the Nazis and their accompliances unleashed against the Jewish people. Death awaited Jews, and the path to this denouement was paved with ghastly violence. In certain respects, however, women, men and children followed different paths to death. In this exhibition, we attempt to reveal the human story that lurks behind the historical account of what happened. Within this story, we chose to speak of the Jewish victims and create space for the unique voice of the woman among them.

Women in the Holocaust applied their minds to a place that deprived them of their minds; brought strength to a place where they had no strength. In a place where they and their families had no right to live, they marched all the way to death and invested every additional moment of life with meaning. It is these women's voices that we wish to sound and whose stories to tell.

This exhibition is co-hosted by the European Studies, Gender Studies, Committee on Gender Equality and Diversity and Hong Kong Holocaust and Tolerance Centre.

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